Dark times

I must first apologise that posts have been few and far between recently; I am still writing my horror, though not as much as recently my mother has been struck down with cancer and so much of my time is spent either with her in hospital or dealing with the fallout this devastation has caused. I won’t make a huge song and dance about it, it happens in many peoples lives, I just wanted you to understand why I’m not posting daily at the moment. Hopefully normal service will be resumed shortly! As I said, I am still writing and my collection of thirteen horror/dark fantasy shorts is nearing completion and I’m still aiming to release it somtime around Christmas or early in the new year (always assuming the Mayans got it wrong!) It’s working title is TALES OF THE MYSTERIOUS AND MACABRE, but I’m still undecided if that is what it will be released as, I will of course, let you know on here (and everywhere, I’m very excited about it!) I hope you understand my lack of posting and that you bear with me, why not check me out on google+, twitter (@simonparker1969), LinkedIn and goodreads? Thanks, hope to speak again real soon.

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